'install'. Select Feedback to install it. Next, read the manual in the file 'tracker.php' or 'README.txt'. Feel free to change the script but please let me know if you do :) *****************************************************/ if (!defined('MINT')) { header('Location:/'); }; // Prevent viewing this file directly $installPepper = "uFx_Feedback"; class uFx_Feedback extends Pepper { var $version = 10; var $info = array( 'pepperName' => 'Feedback', 'pepperUrl' => 'http://mint.ufx.nl', 'pepperDesc' => 'Feedback for Mint 1.2x & Mint 2.0 is a Pepper which keeps track of your (RSS/Atom) feeds. By using a seperate "tracker" you can see how many hits, subscribers and views your feed has. Check the README.txt for usage and installation instructions.', 'developerName' => 'Hans van Kilsdonk', 'developerUrl' => 'http://mint.ufx.nl' ); var $panes = array( 'Feedback' => array( 'Daily', 'Monthly', 'Subscribers', 'Hot items', 'Sparks' ) ); var $manifest = array( 'uFx_Feedback' => array( 'id' => "INT(11) auto_increment", 'dt' => "INT(10)", 'ip_long' => "INT(10)", 'hostinfo' => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL", 'reader' => "VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL", 'resource' => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL", 'resource_title' => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL", 'feed_name' => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL", 'click' => "CHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL" ), 'uFx_Feedback_archive' => array( 'id' => 'INT(11) auto_increment', 'month' => 'VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL', 'views' => 'INT(11) NOT NULL', 'subscribers' => 'INT(11) NOT NULL', 'clicks' => 'INT(11) NOT NULL', 'feed_name' => 'VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL' ) ); var $prefs = array ( 'uFx_subscribers' => '25', 'uFx_hotitems' => '25', 'uFx_onlyclicks' => '0', 'uFx_tracknoclicks' => '', 'uFx_noofdays' => '7', 'uFx_sparkstype' => 'b', 'uFx_FB_debug' => '' ); function isCompatible() { if ($this->Mint->version >= 120) { return array ( 'isCompatible' => true ); } else { return array ( 'isCompatible' => false, 'explanation' => '

This Pepper is only compatible with Mint 1.2 and higher.

' ); } } function update() { /****************** update 0.01 => 0.05 ******************/ $sql = $this->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` LIKE 'reader'"); $i = mysql_fetch_array($sql); if (!$i['Field']) { $sql = $this->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` ADD `reader` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL AFTER `ip_long`") ; } /****************** update 0.06 => 0.07 ******************/ $sql = $this->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` LIKE 'click'"); $i = mysql_fetch_array($sql); if ($i[Type] != "smallint(1)") { $sql = $this->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` CHANGE `click` `click` SMALLINT( 1 ) NOT NULL"); } if (!$i[Key]) { $sql = $this->query("ALTER TABLE `mint_uFx_Feedback` ADD INDEX ( `click` )"); } /****************** update 0.07 => 0.08 ******************/ $sql = $this->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` LIKE 'hostinfo'"); $i = mysql_fetch_array($sql); if (!$i['Field']) { $sql = $this->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` ADD `hostinfo` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL AFTER `ip_long`") ; } foreach($this->Mint->cfg['panes'] as $paneId => $paneData){ if($paneData['pepperId'] == $this->pepperId){ $this->Mint->cfg['panes'][$paneId]['tabs'] = array('Daily', 'Monthly', 'Subscribers', 'Hot items', 'Sparks'); } } } function onDisplay($pane, $tab, $column = '', $sort = '') { $html = ''; switch($pane) { case 'Feedback': switch ($tab) { case 'Subscribers': $this->archive_stats(); $html .= $this->getHTML_Subscribers(); break; case 'Daily': $this->archive_stats(); $html .= $this->getHTML_Daily_Stats(); break; case 'Monthly': $this->archive_stats(); $html .= $this->getHTML_Monthly_Stats(); break; case 'Hot items': $this->archive_stats(); $html .= $this->getHTML_Hotitems(); break; case 'Sparks': $this->archive_stats(); $html .= $this->getHTML_Sparks(); break; } } return $html; } function archive_stats() { $sqlf = $this->query("SELECT feed_name, MIN(`dt`) as `dt` FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` GROUP by feed_name"); while ($if = mysql_fetch_array($sqlf)) { $processmonth = date("Ym",$if['dt']); $processdate = $if['dt']; $nom = 0; while ($processmonth <= date('Ym')) { $starttime = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$processdate),1,date('Y',$processdate)); $endtime = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$processdate)+1,1,date('Y',$processdate)); $stats = $this->uFx_getFeedstats($starttime,$endtime,$if[feed_name]); $sql = $this->query("SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback_archive` WHERE feed_name = '$if[feed_name]' AND month = '$starttime'"); $i = mysql_fetch_array($sql); if ($i[id]) { $sql = $this->query("UPDATE `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback_archive` set views = '$stats[0]', subscribers = '$stats[1]', clicks = '$stats[2]' WHERE id = '$i[id]'"); } else { $sql = $this->query("INSERT INTO `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback_archive` (`id`, `month`, `views`, `subscribers`, `clicks`, `feed_name`) VALUES ('', '$starttime', '$stats[0]', '$stats[1]', '$stats[2]', '$if[feed_name]')"); } $nom++; $processdate = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$if['dt'])+$nom,1,date('Y',$if['dt'])); $processmonth = date('Ym',$processdate); } } // clean up $deldate = time()-(60*60*24*45); $sql = $this->query("DELETE FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE `dt` < '$deldate'"); } function getHTML_Subscribers() { $html = ''; $tableData['hasFolders'] = true; if ($this->prefs['uFx_onlyclicks']) { $tablehead = 'Last click'; } else { $tablehead = 'Last hit'; } $tableData['table'] = array('id'=>'','class'=>'folder stacked-rows'); $tableData['thead'] = array ( array('value'=>'Subscriber','class'=>'focus'), array('value'=>'Reader','class'=>'sort'), array('value'=>'Clicks','class'=>'sort'), array('value'=>"$tablehead",'class'=>'sort') ); foreach ($this->Mint->cfg['panes'] as $paneinfo) { if ($paneinfo['name'] == 'Nametags') { $nametags_installed = 1; $nametags_id = $paneinfo['pepperId']; $aliases = $this->Mint->cfg[preferences][pepper][$nametags_id][uFx_aliases]; break; } } if ($nametags_installed) { $aliases = eregi_replace("\r\n","\n",$aliases); $aliases_array = split("\n",$aliases); foreach ($aliases_array as $alias) { $values = split(", ",$alias); $aliasip = $values[0]; $aliasname = $values[1]; $aliasname_array["$aliasip"] = $aliasname; } } // get iconfile if (file_exists('pepper/hansvankilsdonk/feedback/icons.txt')) { $iconfile = file('pepper/hansvankilsdonk/feedback/icons.txt'); } $subsdone = array(); if ($this->prefs['uFx_subscribers'] < 1) { $this->prefs['uFx_subscribers'] = '25'; } if ($this->prefs['uFx_subscribers'] > 50) { $this->prefs['uFx_subscribers'] = '50'; } if ($this->prefs['uFx_onlyclicks']) { $sql = $this->query("SELECT `id`, COUNT(`id`) as aantal, `ip_long`, MAX(`dt`) as `dt`, MAX(`hostinfo`) as `hostinfo` FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE `click` = '1' GROUP by `ip_long` ORDER by `dt` DESC"); } else { $sql = $this->query("(SELECT `id`, COUNT(id) as aantal, `ip_long`,MAX(`dt`) as `dt`, MAX(`hostinfo`) as `hostinfo` FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE click = '' GROUP by ip_long HAVING aantal > 4) UNION (SELECT `id`, COUNT(id) as aantal, `ip_long`, MAX(`dt`) as `dt`, MAX(`hostinfo`) as `hostinfo` FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE click = '1' GROUP by ip_long) ORDER by `dt` DESC"); } while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $ip = long2ip($i[ip_long]); if (!in_array($ip,$subsdone)) { array_push($subsdone,$ip); $hostname = $this->Mint->abbr(gethostbyaddr($ip),25); $trackid = $i[ip_long]; if (!$this->prefs['uFx_onlyclicks']) { $sql_c = $this->query("SELECT COUNT(id) as aantal FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE ip_long = '$i[ip_long]' AND click = '1'"); $i_c = mysql_fetch_array($sql_c); $aantal = $i_c[aantal]; } else { $aantal = $i[aantal]; } $sql_r = $this->query("SELECT `reader` FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE ip_long = '$i[ip_long]' AND reader <> '' AND click = '' ORDER by `dt` DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $i_r = mysql_fetch_array($sql_r); if (!$i_r[reader]) { $sql_r = $this->query("SELECT `reader` FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE ip_long = '$i[ip_long]' AND reader <> '' AND click = '1' ORDER by `dt` DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $i_r = mysql_fetch_array($sql_r); } if (!$aantal) { $aantal = "0"; } if ($nametags_installed) { $tag = ''; $sql_ct = $this->query("SELECT uFx_tagcookie FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}visit` WHERE ip_long = '$i[ip_long]' AND uFx_tagcookie <> '' GROUP by `uFx_tagcookie`",$db); while ($i_ct = mysql_fetch_array($sql_ct)) { $tag .= ''.$i_ct['uFx_tagcookie'].', '; } if ($tag) { $tag = substr($tag,0,strlen($tag)-2); $tag = "( $tag )"; } if ($aliasname_array["$ip"]) { $iptag = '( '.$aliasname_array["$ip"].' )'; } else { $iptag = ''; } } $icon = $this->uFx_geticon($i_r[reader],$iconfile); if ($this->prefs[uFx_FB_hostinfo]) { if (!$i[hostinfo]) { require_once('pepper/hansvankilsdonk/feedback/magpierss/extlib/Snoopy.class.inc'); $snoopy = new Snoopy(); @$snoopy->fetch("http://api.hostip.info/get_html.php?ip=$ip"); $hostinfo = $snoopy->results; $hostinfo = ereg_replace("Country: ","",$hostinfo); $hostinfo = ereg_replace("City: ","",$hostinfo); $hostinfo = eregi_replace("(\([a-zA-Z ?]+\))","",$hostinfo); $hostinfo_array = split("\n",$hostinfo); if ($hostinfo_array[1]) { $hostinfo = $hostinfo_array[0].", ".$hostinfo_array[1]; } else { $hostinfo = $hostinfo_array[0]; } $hostinfo = ucwords(strtolower($hostinfo)); if (!eregi("[a-zA-Z]",$hostinfo)) { $hostinfo = "Unknown"; } $sqlu = $this->query("UPDATE `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` set `hostinfo` = '$hostinfo' WHERE id = '$i[id]'"); $ip = $hostinfo; } else { $ip = $i[hostinfo]; } } $tableData['tbody'][] = array ( "$hostname
$ip $tag $iptag", $icon, $aantal, $this->Mint->formatDateTimeRelative($i['dt']), 'folderargs'=>array( 'action'=>'Subscriber_clicks', 'trackid'=>$trackid ) ); $subscriber_found = 1; $no_of_subs++; if ($no_of_subs > $this->prefs['uFx_subscribers']) { break; } } } if (!$subscriber_found) { $tableData['tbody'][] = array ( "no subscribers yet...", "", "" ); $tableData['hasFolders'] = false; } $html .= $this->Mint->generateTable($tableData); return $html; } function getHTML_Subscriber_clicks($trackid) { $html = ''; $results_found = ''; $sql = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE ip_long = '$trackid' AND reader <> '' AND click = '' ORDER by `dt` DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $i = mysql_fetch_array($sql); if (!$i[reader]) { $sql = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE ip_long = '$trackid' AND reader <> '' AND click = '1' ORDER by `dt` DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $i = mysql_fetch_array($sql); } if ($i[reader]) { $tableData['tbody'][] = array( "$i[reader]", "", "", "" ); } $sql = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE ip_long = '$trackid' AND click = '1' ORDER by `dt` DESC"); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $title = $i[resource_title]; if (!$title) { $title = $i[resource]; } $title = htmlentities($title); $title = $this->Mint->abbr($title, 25); if (!$title) { $title = "(no title)"; } $tableData['tbody'][] = array( "" . $title . "
$i[feed_name]", "", "", $this->Mint->formatDateTimeRelative($i['dt']) ); $results_found = 1; } if (!$results_found) { $tableData['tbody'][] = array( "No clicks found", "", "", "" ); } $html = $this->Mint->generateTableRows($tableData); return $html; } function uFx_geticon($reader,$iconfile) { if ($iconfile) { foreach ($iconfile as $iconinfo) { if (!ereg("^#",$iconinfo)) { $iconinfo = chop(eregi_replace("[\t]+","\t",$iconinfo)); list($regcode,$iconfilename) = split("\t",$iconinfo); if (eregi($regcode,$reader)) { $icon = $iconfilename; } } } } if ($icon) { $title = ereg_replace("\"","\\\"",$reader); $iconimg = "\"$title\""; } return $iconimg; } function getHTML_Monthly_Stats() { $html = ''; // folder stacked-rows $tableData['table'] = array('id'=>'','class'=>'folder stacked-rows'); $tableData['hasFolders'] = true; $tableData['thead'] = array ( array('value'=>'Month','class'=>'focus'), array('value'=>'Subs','class'=>'sort'), array('value'=>'Hits','class'=>'sort'), array('value'=>'Clicks','class'=>'sort') ); $sql = $this->query("SELECT month, SUM(views) AS views, SUM(subscribers) as subscribers, SUM(clicks) as clicks FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback_archive` GROUP by month ORDER by month DESC"); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $monthname = date("F 'y",$i[month]); $trackid = $i[month]; $tableData['tbody'][] = array ( "$monthname", $i[subscribers], $i[views], $i[clicks], 'folderargs'=>array( 'action'=>'uFx_specmonth', 'trackid'=>$trackid ) ); } return $this->Mint->generateTable($tableData); } function getHTML_Daily_Stats() { // days $tableData['table'] = array('id'=>'','class'=>'folder stacked-rows'); $tableData['hasFolders'] = true; $tableData['thead'] = array ( array('value'=>'Day','class'=>'focus'), array('value'=>'Subs','class'=>'sort'), array('value'=>'Hits','class'=>'sort'), array('value'=>'Clicks','class'=>'sort') ); $no_of_days = $this->prefs['uFx_noofdays']; if ($no_of_days < 1) { $no_of_days = '7'; } if ($no_of_days > 14) { $no_of_days = '14'; } $dayno = 0; while ($dayno != $no_of_days) { $starttime = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-$dayno,date('Y')); $endtime = mktime(23,59,59,date('m'),date('d')-$dayno,date('Y')); $totalsubs = ''; $totalhits = ''; $totalclicks = ''; $sql = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE `dt` > '$starttime' AND `dt` < '$endtime' GROUP by `feed_name`"); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $stats = $this->uFx_getFeedstats($starttime,$endtime,$i[feed_name]); $totalsubs = $totalsubs+$stats[1]; $totalhits = $totalhits+$stats[0]; $totalclicks = $totalclicks+$stats[2]; } if ($totalsubs < 1) { $totalsubs = '0'; } if ($totalhits < 1) { $totalhits = '0'; } if ($totalclicks < 1) { $totalclicks = '0'; } $dayname = date("l dS \of F Y",$starttime); if (date('Ymd',$starttime) == date('Ymd')) { $dayname = "Today"; } $trackid = $starttime; $tableData['tbody'][] = array ( "$dayname", $totalsubs, $totalhits, $totalclicks, 'folderargs'=>array( 'action'=>'uFx_specday', 'trackid'=>$trackid ) ); $dayno++; } return $this->Mint->generateTable($tableData); } function getHTML_Hotitems() { $html = ''; $tableData['thead'] = array ( array('value'=>'Item','class'=>'focus'), array('value'=>'Clicks','class'=>'sort') ); $prefs = $this->prefs; if ($prefs['uFx_hotitems'] < 1) { $prefs['uFx_hotitems'] = '25'; } if ($prefs['uFx_hotitems'] > 50) { $prefs['uFx_hotitems'] = '50'; } $limit = $prefs['uFx_hotitems']; $sql = $this->query("SELECT COUNT(click) as aantal, resource, MAX(`resource_title`) as resource_title, feed_name FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE click = '1' GROUP by 'resource' HAVING aantal > 0 ORDER by aantal DESC LIMIT 0,$limit"); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $title = $i[resource_title]; if (!$title) { $title = $i[resource]; } $title = htmlentities($title); $title = $this->Mint->abbr($title, 40); if (!$title) { $title = "(no title)"; } $tableData['tbody'][] = array ( "$title
$i[feed_name]", $i[aantal] ); $item_found = 1; } if (!$item_found) { $tableData['tbody'][] = array ( "no clicks yet...", "" ); } $html = $this->Mint->generateTable($tableData); return $html; } function uFx_getFeedstats($starttime,$endtime,$feed_name) { $subscribers = array(); if (!$feed_name) { $feed_query = "feed_name LIKE \"%\""; } else { $feed_query = "feed_name = '$feed_name'"; } $sql = $this->query("SELECT COUNT(id) as aantal, ip_long, reader FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE `dt` > '$starttime' AND `dt` < '$endtime' AND $feed_query GROUP by ip_long HAVING aantal > 4"); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if (!in_array($i[ip_long],$subscribers)) { if (preg_match("/([0-9]+) subscriber/",$i[reader],$matches)) { $reader_subs = $matches[1]; } else if (preg_match("/subscriber[s \:]+([0-9]+)/",$i[reader],$matches)) { $reader_subs = $matches[1]; } else { $reader_subs = 1; } $count_subs = 1; while ($count_subs <= $reader_subs) { array_push($subscribers,$i[ip_long]); $count_subs++; } } } $sql = $this->query("SELECT ip_long FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE `dt` > '$starttime' AND `dt` < '$endtime' AND click = '1' AND $feed_query GROUP by ip_long"); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if (!in_array($i[ip_long],$subscribers)) { if (preg_match("/([0-9]+) subscriber/",$i[reader],$matches)) { $reader_subs = $matches[1]; } else if (preg_match("/subscriber[s \:]+([0-9]+)/",$i[reader],$matches)) { $reader_subs = $matches[1]; } else { $reader_subs = 1; } $count_subs = 1; while ($count_subs <= $reader_subs) { array_push($subscribers,$i[ip_long]); $count_subs++; } } } $no_subscribers = count($subscribers); $sql = $this->query("SELECT COUNT(id) as aantal FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE `dt` > '$starttime' AND `dt` < '$endtime' AND click = '' AND $feed_query"); $i = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $no_views = $i[aantal]; $sql = $this->query("SELECT COUNT(id) as aantal FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE `dt` > '$starttime' AND `dt` < '$endtime' AND click = '1' AND $feed_query"); $i = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $no_clicks = $i[aantal]; return array($no_views,$no_subscribers,$no_clicks); } function onCustom() { if ($_POST['action'] == 'Subscriber_clicks' && $_POST['trackid']) { $trackid = $this->Mint->escapeSQL($_POST['trackid']); echo $this->getHTML_Subscriber_clicks($trackid); } if ($_POST['action'] == 'uFx_specmonth' && $_POST['trackid']) { $trackid = $this->Mint->escapeSQL($_POST['trackid']); echo $this->getHTML_Month_details($trackid); } if ($_POST['action'] == 'uFx_specday' && $_POST['trackid']) { $trackid = $this->Mint->escapeSQL($_POST['trackid']); echo $this->getHTML_Day_details($trackid); } if ($_POST['action'] == 'uFx_addFeed' || $_POST['action'] == 'uFx_delFeed') { $this->onSavePreferences(); echo $this->getHTML_uFx_feedlist(); } } function getHTML_Month_details($trackid) { $html = ''; $sql = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback_archive` WHERE month = '$trackid' ORDER by subscribers DESC"); $tableData['classes'] = array ( 'focus', 'sort', 'sort', 'sort' ); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $i[feed_name] = htmlentities($i[feed_name]); $title = $this->Mint->abbr($i[feed_name], 20); $tableData['tbody'][] = array( $i[feed_name], $i[subscribers], $i[views], $i[clicks] ); } $html = $this->Mint->generateTableRows($tableData); return $html; } function getHTML_Day_details($trackid) { $html = ''; $datem = date('m',$trackid); $dated = date('d',$trackid); $datey = date('Y',$trackid); $endtime = mktime(23,59,59,$datem,$dated,$datey); $tableData['classes'] = array ( 'focus', 'sort', 'sort', 'sort' ); $sql = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback` WHERE `dt` > '$trackid' AND `dt` < '$endtime' GROUP by `feed_name`"); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $stats = $this->uFx_getFeedstats($trackid,$endtime,$i[feed_name]); $i[feed_name] = htmlentities($i[feed_name]); $title = $this->Mint->abbr($i[feed_name], 20); $tableData['tbody'][] = array( $i[feed_name], $stats[1], $stats[0], $stats[2] ); $results_found = 1; } if (!$results_found) { $tableData['tbody'][] = array( "no statistics", "", "", "" ); } $html = $this->Mint->generateTableRows($tableData); return $html; } function getHTML_Sparks() { $html = ''; $tableData['table'] = array('id'=>'','class'=>''); $tableData['hasFolders'] = false; $tableData['thead'] = array( array('value'=>'Period','class'=>'focus'), array('value'=>'Views','class'=>'sort'), array('value'=>'Subscribers','class'=>'sort'), array('value'=>'Clicks','class'=>'sort') ); $prefs = $this->prefs; $type = $prefs['uFx_sparkstype']; // daily $start = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-14,date('Y')); while ($start < time()) { $nodays++; if ($nodays > 15) { break; } $end = mktime(23,59,59,date('m',$start),date('d',$start),date('Y',$start)); $stats = $this->uFx_getFeedstats($start,$end,''); $viewdata .= "$stats[0],"; $subsdata .= "$stats[1],"; $clicksdata .= "$stats[2],"; $start = $start+86400; } $random = rand(0,9999999); $tableData['tbody'][] = array ( 'Past 14 days
 ', 'views', 'subscribers', 'clicks' ); // monthly $viewdata = ''; $subsdata = ''; $clicksdata = ''; $start = mktime(0,0,0,date('m')-12,date('d'),date('Y')); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT month, SUM(views) AS views, SUM(subscribers) as subscribers, SUM(clicks) as clicks FROM `{$this->Mint->db['tblPrefix']}uFx_Feedback_archive` WHERE `month` > '$start' GROUP by month"); while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if (!$startmonth) { $startmonth = $i[month]; } $viewdata .= "$i[views],"; $subsdata .= "$i[subscribers],"; $clicksdata .= "$i[clicks],"; } if (!$startmonth) { $startmonth = time(); } $tableData['tbody'][] = array ( 'Past 12 months
 ', 'views', 'subscribers', 'clicks' ); return $this->Mint->generateTable($tableData); } function onDisplayPreferences() { $prefs = $this->prefs; if ($prefs[uFx_onlyclicks]) { $onlyclicks_checked = 'checked'; } if ($prefs[uFx_tracknoclicks] != '1') { $trackclicks_checked = 'checked'; } if ($prefs[uFx_FB_debug]) { $debug_checked = 'checked'; } if ($prefs[uFx_FB_hostinfo]) { $hostinfo_checked = 'checked'; } if ($prefs[uFx_sparkstype] == 'l') { $lines_select = 'selected'; } $preferences['Global'] = << Number of subscribers to show: Number of hot items to show: Number of days to show: Show only subscribers with clicks: Track clicks in the feeds: Which type of sparks to use: Use hostip.info for country/city resolve: Show debug information on error: EOT; $uFx_feedlist = $this->getHTML_uFx_feedlist(); $preferences['Feeds'] = << $uFx_feedlist EOT; return $preferences; } function getHTML_uFx_feedlist() { $html = << EOT; $prefs = $this->prefs; $feeds = $prefs['uFx_feedlist']; $feeds = eregi_replace("\r\n","\n",$feeds); $feeds_array = split("\n",$feeds); $secretcode = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)),0,6); $mint_path = $this->Mint->cfg['installDir']; $modrewrite = "# Start Feedback rules\n\n"; $no = 0; foreach ($feeds_array as $feed) { $no++; if ($feed) { $domarr = split("\/",$feed); array_shift($domarr); array_shift($domarr); array_shift($domarr); $feed_relative = implode("/",$domarr); if (substr($feed_relative,strlen($feed_relative)-1,1) == '/') { $feed_relative = substr($feed_relative,0,strlen($feed_relative)-1); } $modrewrite .= "RewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /\nRewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !FB_secret=$secretcode".'$'."\n"; $modrewrite .= "RewriteRule ^$feed_relative"."/?".'$'." $mint_path/pepper/hansvankilsdonk/feedback/tracker.php?FB_feed=$feed&FB_secret=$secretcode&".'%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'."\n"; $feed_found = 1; $html .= << EOT; } } $modrewrite .= "\n# End Feedback rules\n"; $no++; $html .= <<
Feed URL:  
Delete feed
Add feed

EOT; if ($feed_found) { $html .= << Place the following text in the .htaccess file for your root webdirectory.

You need to update this every time you add a new feed!
EOT; } return $html; } function onSavePreferences() { if ($_POST['uFx_subscribers'] > 50) { $_POST['uFx_subscribers'] = '50'; } if ($_POST['uFx_noofdays'] > 14) { $_POST['uFx_noofdays'] = '14'; } if ($_POST['uFx_sparkstype'] != 'l' && $_POST['uFx_sparkstype'] != 'b') { $_POST['uFx_sparkstype'] = 'b'; } $prefs['uFx_subscribers'] = (isset($_POST['uFx_subscribers']))?$_POST['uFx_subscribers']:''; $prefs['uFx_noofdays'] = (isset($_POST['uFx_noofdays']))?$_POST['uFx_noofdays']:''; $prefs['uFx_onlyclicks'] = (isset($_POST['uFx_onlyclicks']))?$_POST['uFx_onlyclicks']:''; $prefs['uFx_hotitems'] = (isset($_POST['uFx_hotitems']))?$_POST['uFx_hotitems']:''; $prefs['uFx_FB_debug'] = (isset($_POST['uFx_FB_debug']))?$_POST['uFx_FB_debug']:''; $prefs['uFx_FB_hostinfo'] = (isset($_POST['uFx_FB_debug']))?$_POST['uFx_FB_hostinfo']:''; $prefs['uFx_sparkstype'] = (isset($_POST['uFx_sparkstype']))?$_POST['uFx_sparkstype']:''; if (!isset($_POST['uFx_trackclicks'])) { $prefs['uFx_tracknoclicks'] = '1'; } $no = 0; $uFx_feedlist = ''; $feedid = $_POST['uFx_Feedid']; while ($no < 25) { $feedfield = 'uFx_feed_'.$no; $feed = $_POST["$feedfield"]; if (eregi("http:\/\/",$feed) && $no != $feedid) { $uFx_feedlist .= $feed."\n"; } $no++; } $prefs['uFx_feedlist'] = (isset($uFx_feedlist))?$uFx_feedlist:''; $this->prefs = $prefs; } } Mint: MS-Reporter.de
  • If you recently updated this Pepper and are experiencing this issue please contact the Pepper developer.

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